Defines the root of an HTML document, encapsulating the entire content.
Contains metadata about the document, such as title, stylesheets, scripts, and other essential information for browsers and search engines.
Defines the document’s title, which appears in the browser’s title bar or tab. It helps users identify the content of the page.
Contains the content of the document, such as text, images, links, and other elements visible to the user.
Text Formatting HTML Tags
HTML Version
Defines a paragraph, a block-level element used to group and format text content, creating distinct sections within the document.
Inserts a single line break, forcing text to start from a new line without creating a new paragraph.
Defines a thematic break or horizontal rule, a visual separator used to indicate a change in topic or content.
Defines a top-level heading, indicating the most important section of the document. It has the highest level of hierarchy.
Defines strong importance or emphasis, indicating that the enclosed text should be given strong importance or emphasis.
Defines emphasized text, indicating that the enclosed text should be emphasized in some way, typically displayed in italics.
Defines marked or highlighted text, indicating that the enclosed text should be highlighted or visually marked in some way.
Defines small text, indicating that the enclosed text should be displayed in a smaller font size than the surrounding text.
Defines deleted text, indicating that the enclosed text has been deleted or removed from the document.
Defines inserted text, indicating that the enclosed text has been inserted or added to the document.
Links and Anchors HTML tags
HTML Version
Defines a hyperlink, allowing users to navigate to another webpage or resource by clicking on the link.
Defines navigation links, typically used to create menus or lists of links for navigating within a website.
Lists HTML tags
HTML Version
Defines an unordered list, presenting a list of items in no particular order, typically marked with bullets.
Defines an ordered list, presenting a list of items in a specified sequence, typically marked with numbers or letters.
Defines a list item, representing an individual item within an ordered or unordered list.
Defines a description list, consisting of terms and their corresponding descriptions, typically used for glossaries or dictionaries.
Defines a term in a description list, representing the term or concept being defined.
Defines a description of the term in a description list, providing additional information or details about the term.
Table HTML Tags
HTML Version
Defines a table, organizing data into rows and columns for easier presentation and interpretation.
Defines a table caption, providing a title or description for the table to provide context for its contents.
Defines a header cell in a table, representing a header for a column or row in the table.
Defines a row in a table, containing cells or data arranged horizontally within the table.
Defines a cell in a table, containing data or content within a row and column intersection.
Forms HTML Tags
HTML Version
Defines an HTML form for user input, allowing users to submit data to a web server for processing.
Defines an input control, such as a text field, checkbox, radio button, or submit button, within a form.
Defines a clickable button, allowing users to trigger an action or submit a form within the document.
Defines a dropdown list, allowing users to select one or more options from a list of predefined choices.
Defines an option in a dropdown list, representing a selectable item within the list of options.
Defines a label for an input element, providing a textual description or caption for the associated input control.
Defines a multiline input control (text area), allowing users to enter and edit multiple lines of text.
Groups related elements in a form, such as input controls and labels, providing visual grouping and organization.
Defines a caption for a <fieldset> element, providing a title or description for the group of related form elements.
Defines a list of pre-defined options for an <input> element, providing autocomplete functionality for user input.
Images HTML Tags
HTML Version
Defines an image within an HTML document, allowing the display of graphics, photographs, or other visual content.
Represents self-contained content, such as images, diagrams, or code snippets, along with an optional caption (<figcaption>).
Defines a caption for a <figure> element, providing a title or description for the associated content.
Audio and Video HTML Tags
HTML Version
Embeds audio content, such as music or sound effects, into an HTML document, allowing users to listen to audio files directly within the page.
Embeds video content, such as movies or video clips, into an HTML document, allowing users to watch video files directly within the page.
Specifies multiple media resources for the <audio> and <video> elements, providing alternative formats or sources for the browser to choose from.
Specifies text tracks for the <audio> and <video> elements, such as subtitles, captions, or descriptions, to enhance accessibility and user experience.
Semantic HTML Tags
HTML Version
Represents the introductory content or a group of navigational links at the top of a document or section.
Represents the footer of a document or section, typically containing information about the author, copyright, or contact details.
Represents the main content of a document, excluding header, footer, and navigation elements.
Represents a thematic grouping of content within a document, typically with a heading.
Represents a self-contained piece of content that can be independently distributed or reused, such as a blog post or news article.
Represents content that is tangentially related to the content around it, such as sidebars or pull quotes.
Represents a section of navigation links, typically used to create menus or lists of links for navigating within a website.
Represents self-contained content, such as images, diagrams, or code snippets, along with an optional caption (<figcaption>).
Defines a caption for a <figure> element, providing a title or description for the associated content.
Metadata HTML Tags
HTML Version
Provides metadata about the HTML document, including character set, author, description, keywords, and viewport settings.
Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document, helping resolve relative links correctly.
Defines a link between a document and an external resource, such as stylesheets, favicons, or alternate versions of the page.
Scripting HTML Tags
HTML Version
Defines client-side JavaScript code, which adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages.
Defines alternative content to be displayed if JavaScript is not supported or disabled in the browser.
Embedded Content HTML Tags
HTML Version
Defines an image within an HTML document, allowing the display of graphics, photographs, or other visual content.
Embeds audio content, such as music or sound effects, into an HTML document, allowing users to listen to audio files directly within the page.
Embeds video content, such as movies or video clips, into an HTML document, allowing users to watch video files directly within the page.
Embeds an inline frame into an HTML document, allowing the inclusion of external web content within a page.
Embeds external content, such as multimedia files or plugins, directly into an HTML document.
Embeds external resources, such as images, audio, video, or other multimedia content, into an HTML document.
Interactive Elements HTML Tags
HTML Version
Defines a disclosure widget that can be used to hide or show content, providing a way to present additional information in a collapsible format.
Defines a summary or caption for the content of a <details> element, providing a heading or title for the collapsible section.
Defines a dialog box or modal window within an HTML document, typically used for displaying messages, alerts, or interactive forms.
Defines a menu or list of commands, typically used in conjunction with context menus, toolbars, or navigation bars.
Defines an item within a <menu> element, representing a command or option that users can select or activate.
Document Embedding HTML Tags
HTML Version
Defines a subwindow (frame) within a frameset, allowing multiple HTML documents to be displayed simultaneously.
Defines a set of frames in a window, enabling the division of the browser window into multiple frames, each containing a separate HTML document.
Defines alternate content to be displayed for browsers that do not support frames or have frames disabled.
Deprecated Elements HTML Tags
HTML Version
Defines an acronym, representing an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of a series of words, often pronounced as a word.
Embeds a Java applet into an HTML document, allowing the execution of Java code within the browser.
Sets the base font size, color, and face for all text within a document, providing global styling options.
Increases the font size of text content within the tag, typically used for emphasizing or highlighting text.
Centers the content enclosed within the tag horizontally within its containing element or browser window.
Defines font-related attributes, such as size, color, and face, for text content within the tag.
Renders text with a strikethrough effect, indicating that the text has been deleted or should be ignored.
Renders text in a monospace or typewriter font, preserving spacing and alignment, often used for code or terminal output.
Renders text with an underline effect, typically used for indicating hyperlinks or emphasizing text.
Miscellaneous Elements HTML Tags
HTML Version
Overrides the current text directionality, allowing developers to explicitly set the direction of text within the tag.
Defines a placeholder for distributed content in a web component shadow tree, allowing dynamic insertion of content from the main document.
Defines a template for HTML content that can be cloned and inserted into the document using JavaScript.
Defines a word break opportunity within text content, indicating where a line break can occur if necessary.